Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I'm Off!

This is a collection of videos that I have taken over the last few months. It will be my last vlog while in the states.  

Here is the URL for those who want to see it bigger.  http://youtu.be/XA6nB9efctk
I'm nervous, excited, and all of the other emotions you would think I would be feeling.  I can't wait to meet my new co-workers and everyone else. I got little cards in the mail from each of my new co-workers. Each had a picture and a little message empathizing with how nervous I must be and welcoming me to their team.  How sweet is that?
I will spend the first week in Osaka, training.  I've heard that it is supposed to be pretty grueling .  After that week, I will take a train to my new town, Machida, and train with the guy I am replacing.   I am so excited to get there and see my new apartment! 

I'm still not sure about internet yet. I am praying I have connections at the apartment so I don't have to go to a cafe.   If anyone cares to add me to their Skype account or send me mail, here is my new info
I hope to get back on here soon, until then Sionara!!

1 comment:

  1. I love you Mandy Kim!!! I'm p raying for you. I can't wait to hear more.
